Some of the Notable Individuals who went thru
Ellis Island & had connection to Philippine history
David Prescott Barrows U.C. Pres; Philippine Supt
of Schools 1900
Charles Henry Brent founded St. Luke’s Med Center & Brent International
School in Baguio
Gilbert Brink Asst Director of Edu Phil; principal Berkeley H.S.
Samuel Clemens Mark Twain wrote about PhilAm war;
against U.S. colonization
Robert McCulloch Dick of Philippine Free Press; POW
WW11; coined the term “Juan Dela Cruz” for the Filipinos
Eleanor Franklin Egan war correspondent who wrote
about Iraq war (British)
Martin Egan Editor Manila Times, war correspondent
SpanAm war
Burton Harrison
Philippine Gov Gen
David Sutterland Hibbard founder of Silliman University (Phil), the oldest American university
in Asia where Philippine Pres Carlos Garcia graduated
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court penned the landmark Mateo Carino Doctrine infavor of an Igorot (Ibaloi,
Ibaloy) that became a landmark case used by the Indians (of U.S. & Canada) & Maoris of NZ) in defining the “native
rights” of the tribal people 212 U.S. 449 (1909)
Rudyard Kipling wrote “White Man’s Burden”
1899; pro U.S. colonization of the Philippines; Nobel Prize 1907
Buenaventura Paredes (Blessed Buenaventura) beatified by
Pope Benedict 2007; UST professor & church official
John J. Pershing Governor of Moro Province; PhilAm War; WW1
Theodore Roosevelt U.S. President 1901-1909
Leonard Wood Gov Gen Philippines 1921-1927
Primary Source:
Philippine Governor General Francis Burton. Harrison, 45y via M/S Selandia arrived Ellis Island 2/2/1919 from Manila
w/ Archibald Harrison,43y his brother & the following natives of the Philippines staff:
Francisco Ovate 39y (Orate?)
Ambrosio Rechachio, 31y chauffeur
Zegriria, ch…pen, 14y
Eustaguro (Eustaquio) Felias 17y cabin boy
Honono (Honorio) Montes, 18y messboy
Ernest Angular(Aguilar page 656), 17y cabin waiter
Julio Ereneta, 17y pantry boy (later WW1 & WW11 veteran
on M/S Selandia: Source: Wikipedia
trip voyage from Manila thru: Guam, Panama
Canal Zone, and Kingston, Jamaica.
Ellis Island trip of this vessel: 1/11/1921 from Antwerp; world's first diesel powered ocean going steamer launched in 1912;
owned by Danish trading firm East Asiatic Company (Photo of ship available
more on Francis Burton Harrison: Source: Wikipedia born 12/18/1873 NY; died 11/21/1957 Flemington N.J.; buried Manila
North Cemetery La Loma; Philippine Gov Gen of the U.S. colonial government (1913-1921)
U.S. House of Rep (1903-1905); (1907-1913); introduced the Harrison Narcotics Tax
Act (passed 1914, the 1st Drug Prohibition legislation); adviser
to Pres Quezon 1935; 1942; U.S. Commissioner of Claims C.S. U.S. Army Manila (1946-47); Adviser to the 1st four
Phil Presidents; married 6th times; (1st wife died; divorced 4x); survived by Maria Teresa, (Filipina),6th wife whom he married in 1949; Children: Virginia (born 1901); Barbara (born 1904); Randolph (1911-1912); Ursula (born 1937); other trips of Francis Burton Harrison thru Ellis
Island: via Adriatic (11/28/1907); via Lusitania (1908); via Mauretania (11/17/1911); vis KronPrinz Wilhelm (9/19/1905); via
Antonio Lopez (4/13/1923)
of Col. Romy Monteyro, AFP, (Ret.) about Gov Harrison (source: e-mail 12/2/2008)
“Gov. Gen. Francis Burton Harrison was the most loved American governor general in the Philippines. He reciprocated that love and highest esteem when he wrote in his
Last Will & Testament that he be buried on Philippine soil…he is interred at the La Loma Cemetery in Quezon City.. I just hope that the Philippine government is appropriating funds for the upkeep
of his tomb…One notable moment in Philippine history, one of the many, that Gov. Harrison is well remembered was when
he walked between the warring Philippine Constabulary and Manila Police in Intramuros…The PC and MPD were shooting at
each other and could not be restrained, when Harrison arrived at the scene and against the advice of his security personnel
started to walk the street (Camino Real) dividing the two fighting factions. He walked fearlessly to the center of the
dividing line which forced the protagonists to hold their fire. He stopped and then with a loud voice he shouted at
them, "What kind of people are you? You kill your own kind!" Needless to say his courageous act stopped the bloodshed
and the warring group meekly laid down their arms and surrendered. But more than that, Harrison
was known to be the best American governor general for his many acts which improved the lot of the Filipinos in those days".
more on Archibald Cary Harrrison, author born 10/21/1876
another brother Fairfax Harrison
Buenaventura Paredes, Spanish, 37 yrs old born
Oviedo Spain arrived Ellis Island 10/21/1913 from Cherbourg, France via ship
Kronprinz Wilhelm passenger # 21 w/ Jose Ramon Gonzalez passenger # 22 ship manifest notations: was in U.S.
before?-(1911 in Washington unreadable Park, New Orleans Louisiana); destination? (The unreadable Church New Orleans Louisiana);
last residence? Manila. (Notes: Oviedo is the capital of Asturias)
Source: Wikipedia:
Garcia de Paredes (also known as Blessed Bonaventure of St. Louis Bertrand) beatified 10/28/2007 by Pope Benedict XV1)
born 4/19/1866 Castanedo de Valdes, near Luarca (Asturias) professor of political & admin law University of Santo
Tomas (UST) Manila; elected Prior Provincial w/ residence in Manila (time line given during 1901; 1910); extended the
presence of the Dominican Province @ Rosaryville, New Orleans Louisiana which was inaugurated in 1911; executed 8/12/1936
in Valdesenderin del Ensinar Fuencarral Madrid & became known as one of the Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War; other position
held: Master General of the Dominican Order in Rome (1926-1929); editor of the Catholic daily Libertas published by UST; credited
for acquiring new properties to build the new campus of UST in Manila
“Blessed Bonaventure had left the priory on the eve of the attack, invited by Don Pedro Errazquin, who offered shelter to other friars also. A month earlier, he had written to the Errazquin-Garmendía
family, whom he had been in contact with since 1915 during his time in the Philippines:
‘Already I cannot oppose the sad reality which we suffer.
Only by hoping in the mercy of God can we glimpse some hope’.
This family volunteered to obtain for him a passport and a travel ticket to the Philippines, but he is, elderly and unwell, had great difficulty in undertaking the journey
and confided that he would travel only if his superiors in Rome
allowed him. In fact he wrote to Rome and obtained permission
for the journey. His friend Pedro Errazquin requested the passport, which was denied him because he was a religious.While
he was being sheltered in the house of Don Pedro Errazquin, he went to celebrate Mass in a chapel, but he was under police
surveillance, and so, towards the end of July they found him a place at the Hotel of the Carmel in Saint Barbara’s square.
In the end even this truly noble lay catholic, Don Pedro, would be put to death in
the Pradera de San Isidro in Madrid
because in searching his house they found the chalice belonging to Blessed Bonaventure. As the latter became convinced that
the police kept him under strict observation, he took refuge in a boarding house called the Infante Don Juan. Here he administered
the sacrament of confession to some of the residents, led a life of recollection and prayer, recited the breviary, and also
celebrated Mass. A witness has testified: ‘Br Bonaventure stood in front of a small table with a small piece of
bread and a glass and I believe he was celebrating Holy Mass’.He was arrested on 11 August by armed men. He had
identified himself as a religious and a priest, and said bravely: ‘I have committed no crime except that of being a priest and a religious; Divine Providence
so wants’. Witnesses assure us that this
is what he declared. They led him away to a place of torture called checa, situated in a Madrid street named García de Paredes. The following day, 12 August 1936, they took him
to the small town of Fuencarral where at about 10 o’clock they shot him in the area known
as Valdesenderín del Encinar, between Fuencarral and Alcobendas.
He kept to the end his rosary and the breviary. They buried him in the cemetery of Fuencarral, a place where for centuries
the Order had a priory and whose church was dedicated to ‘Nuestra Señora de Valverde’.His remains were exhumed
on 24 October 1940 and transferred to the crypt of the church of the Most Holy Rosary in Madrid. In 1967 they were again transferred
to the pantheon-chapel of the priory of St Thomas Aquinas in Avila,
where they still are.All the witnesses in the process who knew the new Blessed, Bonaventura García Paredes, emphasize unanimously
his virtues. He was a man with a rooted and deep faith who manifested his recollection and union with God. He had humane and
good feelings towards everyone, always willing to forgive. His closeness to the world of workers and those who were lowly,
simple and poor was noticed. Very prudent and wise, patient, just with everyone. He was constant in carrying out his duty,
compassionate and firm in his decisions. He ate, drank and behaved with moderation, and was edifying in his deep humility.
Other Sources:
The UST Martyrs of the Religious Persecution in Spain
(1933-1937), published by the UST Publishing House.
Source of information for his beatification & Canonization:
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